Message from the CMO

Welcome to the health care provider section of our website

Health care providers play a vital role in helping workers recover from injury and illness. They work closely with workers, employers and WorkSafeNB to create programs that allow for safe and timely return to work.

The WorkSafeNB team relies on our health care industry’s expertise and co-operation. We collaborate with professional bodies, including the New Brunswick Medical Society (NBMS) and national associations, to support and adhere to best practices in occupational medicine.

We support the Choosing Wisely Canada recommendations for occupational medicine and the Canadian Medical Association position on the treating physician’s role in helping patients return to work after an illness or injury.

Research shows that early and safe return to work results in significant benefits to physical, mental and social well-being. Workers have better medical outcomes with fewer effects to lifestyle.

We advise workers to engage in their jobs, be physically active, take regular breaks, make healthy lifestyle choices and always follow safety precautions.

Learn more about Choosing Wisely and WorkSafeNB’s return-to-work philosophy in OPUS MD, NBMS’s newsletter.

We welcome your recommendations and feedback. Please call us at 1 800 222-9775.



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