
The impact of workplace incidents and fatalities can be devastating to families, workplaces and communities. The following postings are intended to raise awareness of workplace hazards, fatal incidents and occupational health and safety resources to help prevent similar incidents from occurring.

The incidents and fatalities listed have occurred in regulated workplaces. Please note that at the time of publishing on this page, serious injuries and fatalities may still be under investigation and therefore no conclusions have been made as to root causes. These postings are developed with the intention of safeguarding the privacy of those involved and the integrity of accident investigations and possible legal proceedings.

Nature of injury
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Your search returned 576 results. Page 11 of 58

  • Nature of injury: Multiply injuries
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: September 8, 2022
    Description: A truss fell on a worker when the rigging failed, resulting in a spinal injury and broken leg.

  • Nature of injury: Burns
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Electrician
    Date: August 25, 2022
    Description: A power flash caused burns to worker's hands.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Carpenter
    Date: August 16, 2022
    Description: Worker fell approx. 16 ft from a beam and suffered a hairline spinal fracture.

  • Nature of injury: Cuts and lacerations
    Industry: Horticulture
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: August 5, 2022
    Description: A worker jumped from a lawn tractor while going down-hill, thinking it was going to roll over and sustained deep leg lacerations.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: August 2, 2022
    Description: A worker was hit by a car during traffic control, resulting in leg and elbow fractures.

  • Nature of injury: Electric shock
    Industry: Golf course
    Job Type: Maintenance worker
    Date: July 21, 2022
    Description: Worker was electrocuted when the switch box was turned on.

  • Nature of injury: Cuts and lacerations
    Industry: Manufacturing
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: July 18, 2022
    Description: Worker received a deep laceration to hand when removing a guard to clear a machine.

  • Nature of injury: Fracture(s)
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: July 7, 2022
    Description: Worker broke their leg when they fell 12 feet from a roof.

  • Nature of injury: Fatality
    Industry: Recycling
    Job Type: Carpenter
    Date: June 30, 2022
    Description: Worker was removing material from a press roll when an explosion occurred.

  • Nature of injury: Multiply injuries
    Industry: Construction
    Job Type: Labourer
    Date: June 28, 2022
    Description: Five employees were injured when a floor collapsed during the pouring of concrete.

Page 11 of 58

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