Understanding our coverage

WorkSafeNB is responsible for claim-related payments relating to the health care costs of treatment required by New Brunswick's injured workers.

Coverage for referrals, investigations, treatments and procedures

In general, WorkSafeNB covers any referrals, investigations, treatments and procedures related to the treatment of the accepted work-related injury or illness. However, WorkSafeNB may not cover a specific treatment, or treatment by a specific provider or provider group.

For example: a physiotherapy clinic may not be on our list of authorized clinics (for an up-to-date listing, contact the physician information line at 1 877 647-0777).

To ensure that the cost of your patient's referral, investigation, treatment or procedure is covered, you may want to contact WorkSafeNB and inquire about Schedules of Care, which are a listing of generally approved, generally not approved and not approved treatment modalities.

Pharmaceutical coverage

In general, WorkSafeNB covers any drugs related to the treatment of the accepted work-related injury or illness. WorkSafeNB does, however, place a limit on the extent to which it will cover certain classes of drugs.

Where a generic substitute is available, WorkSafeNB would prefer that it be used in place of a more expensive brand name. Your co-operation in reducing medical aid costs is appreciated.

Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

WorkSafeNB covers OTC drugs related to the treatment of the accepted work-related injury or illness. For example, if your patient will benefit from plain acetaminophen or ASA, WorkSafeNB would prefer that you prescribe these rather than resort to combination medications with codeine.

Anxiolytics and sedatives

With the general exception of anxiolytics for seizures and spasticity due to spinal cord injuries, WorkSafeNB does not cover these therapeutic classes of drugs.


WorkSafeNB covers antidepressants for the treatment of chronic pain related to the accepted work-related injury or illness.

Coverage for alternative or complementary medicine

Please contact WorkSafeNB regarding generally approved treatments of alternative or complementary treatments.

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